Urinary Incontinence
Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control. It affects up to one in three women at some time in their life. The severity can ragne form occasional loss of urine when you cough or sneeze to needing to wear a pad daily to protect yourself or having a urge to urinate that is so sudden and stong that you don’t make it to the toilet on time. Leaking urine can make your personal life and relationships very difficult so its important to speak up and seek help.
Depending on the type of urinary incontinence you have the way you experience loss of urine will be different. The two main type of urinary incontinence are stress and urge incontinence.
Stress incontinence occurs when the ligament and muscle supports of the bladder outlet are not working properly. This means when you cough, strain, jump or lift there is not enough strength to keep the bladder closed and you loose urine.
Urge incontinence may be the result of the bladder muscle contracting when it should be relaxed. This leads to a sudden and strong urge to pass urine, needing to race to the toilet and potentially not making it to the toilet on time.
In many cases both type will occur at the same time, this is called mixed urinary incontinence.
I will take a full history to try and determine the type of incontinence you are experiencing. I will also assess for factors that may have caused or be worsening your symptoms including, medications, smoking, caffeine intake, constipation, obesity, coughing cough heavy lifting and other medical conditions. Although symptoms may suggest which type of incontinence is present further evaluation may be required including a pelvic and vaginal examination, a bladder diary, a test for infection, an ultrasound and sometimes specialised urinary tests called urodynamic studies or even a cystoscopy to look at the inside of your bladder.
Based on this information we will discuss the management, which best suit, your situation. These can range from simple behaviour changes, medications to improve your vaginal tissues or reduce the irritability of the bladder, to surgery.
A lot can be done to help you. The first step is understanding that accidentally losing urine is not normal and to seek help.
You will need a referral form your GP to come and see me, so do this first
- Ensure either you or your GP send your referral and any relevant test through to me first
- This can be done by either scanning and e-mailing to info@abc.com or faxing to 8361 8877
Make an appointment to see me
- Call +1 251-415-1900
- E-mail info@abc.com
- Fax 8361 8877
- Let us call you…
Complete the patient forms
- To help provide me with information necessary for your first visit, please fill in the patient information forms (see here – link patient forms).
When you come in for your appointment make sure your bring:
- Referral form – If you don’t have one, call the day prior and we will try and arrange a copy from your GP.
- Any test results you might already have.
- Any imaging your might already have.
- A list of all the medicines you are taking, including the ones you have bought without a prescription.
- Your Medicare card.
- Your private health insurance information.
Our clinic hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
If you are one of my patients and need emergency care or have a medical concern, please contact delivery suite at the USA Womens Hospital: (08) 8239 9154
Alternatively dial an ambulance to be taken to the nearest emergency department.
Get in Touch
I am located at:
1700 Center St, Mobile,
AL 36604, USA
Clinic Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
You can contact me on:
E. info@abc.com
P. +1 251-415-1900
F. 8361 8877
W. abc.com
Dial an ambulance to be taken to the nearest emergency department.